
Bettina Hoeppner


I am an experimental psychologist focusing on substance use disorder research. The broad aim of my program of research is to increase access to care, especially for underserved, stigmatized and marginalized populations. The type of ‘care’ I specialize in is the auxiliary support people can access outside of the formal treatment setting; care that can support and extend the care they receive in a hospital setting.  To this end, I have taken two approaches: (1) my research examines, builds and tests mHealth approaches to support people as they transition away from substance use; and (2) my research elucidates mechanisms by which community resources (e.g., mutual help, recovery community centers) can be leveraged to support recovery from substance use disorder.

Last updated: 1/1/2024

Susanne Hoeppner

Associate Director

Susanne S. Hoeppner is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and is a member of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Biostatistics. She provides statistical guidance and expertise for various groups at MGH including the Center for OCD and Related Disorders (CORD), the Medical Practice Evaluation Center (MPEC), and the Recovery Research Institute (RRI). Her collaborative research effort has included applications in psychology, psychiatry, smoking cessation, and HIV/AIDS. She has served as the principal statistician on pivotal trials approved by the FDA and has designed and analyzed Phase I-III studies in addiction, psychiatry, and psychology.  She also has ample experience setting up, updating, and overseeing the use of electronic data capture forms as implemented via REDCap, having designed and managed such databases for several single- and multi-site clinical trials at MGH.  Dr. Hoeppner’s clinical interests are in dynamic health behavior modeling and positive psychology.

Dr. Hoeppner earned a PhD in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences and her Master of Applied Statistics from Louisiana State University.  She also holds a MS in Biological Science from Southeastern Louisiana University.

Last updated: 1/1/2024

Emily Feig


Emily Feig is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and a clinical psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research focuses on developing novel approaches to improve adherence to health behaviors in individuals with obesity-related chronic diseases. She is particularly interested in positive psychological approaches that can build intrinsic motivation while reducing internalized weight bias.

She is the recipient of an NIH K23 award through which she is testing a positive emotion-focused physical activity intervention for adults who have had metabolic and bariatric surgery. She collaborates with the Health through Flourishing team on several smoking cessation projects.

Last updated: 5/1/2024