Advancing the Science on Recovery Community Centers (RCCs)

Through this project (R24DA051988), we are building a research infrastructure that enhances the study of recovery community centers with a focus on their utility for persons taking medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder.

What are recovery community centers?

RCCs are recovery-oriented sanctuaries anchored in the hearts of communities, which provide a range of recovery-oriented, peer-delivered services (see this paper for a closer description).  They are a relatively new addition to the recovery eco-system, and thus many people are not yet familiar with what RCCs are, offer, and do. 

If you would like to know more about RCCs, we invite you to come to our next seminar on RCCs.  Meanwhile, take a look at these resources to learn more about RCCs:


Watch these 2-8 minute videos of RCC directors, staff and participants telling us about what it is like to walk through the doors of their RCC. This is the “Live Feature” part of our online seminars.


Check out this podcast! In this episode of the SMART Policy Podcast Drs. Dottie Greene and Bettina Hoeppner discuss what RCCs are, what they do, the science that exists on them, and what gap RCCs fill in supporting people in or seeking recovery. Available on Spotify and SoundCloud as well as all other podcast platforms.

List of RCCs

Want to find an RCC near you? Check out this list of all the RCCs we are aware of. This list is growing, so come back to check for updates.

Is your RCC not on this list? Or do you know of an RCC that is not on this list? Please email us ( and tell us about this RCC, so that we can add it to the list. We would love for this list to be up to date and growing so that people looking for RCCs can find them.


Evidence indicates that OUD (opioid use disorder) is a chronic condition best managed with long-term use of medications. While medications for OUD (MOUD) save lives and reduces related harms, individuals suffering from OUD tend to be in need of additional services. Thus, even among those with OUD who are able to access life-saving medications, there is a need for additional recovery support services to enhance functioning and quality of life.

Among professional and non-professional services for substance use disorder, recovery community centers are the “new kids on the block”. They are often located in the heart of their respective communities and provide a variety of services including recovery coaching, relapse prevention skills-building, employment and job training linkages, recreational activities, civic participation, and a host of other services designed to help people in, or seeking, recovery from substance use disorder.

To advance the development of efficacy and/or effectiveness research on RCCs for persons who were or who are being maintained on medications for the treatment of OUD (P-MOUD), we are orchestrating activities on a national level to engage multiple stakeholders.

Specific Goals

  1. Engage RCC stakeholders in research-advancing activities

  2. Disseminate tools and products that support the building of a cumulative science on how RCC participation impacts the recovery trajectory of people recovering from substance use disorder

How RCC participants describe their experience with RCCs

Steering Committee